South African Naturist Youth Association

Embrace Freedom, Live Naturally!


The South African Naturist Youth Association (SANYA) is a vibrant community dedicated to promoting body positivity, self-acceptance, and a healthy lifestyle among young naturists in South Africa.

By organizing events and social gatherings, SANYA provides a safe and supportive environment for young people to embrace naturism and connect with like-minded individuals.

Join SANYA today and be part of a movement that celebrates the beauty of natural living and fosters a sense of belonging and freedom.

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    SANYA Application

    You will be contacted by a SANYA Management Committee member for an appointment for a meet-and-greet.

    After the meet and greet, you will be notified if your application was successful. Once you have been accepted, SANYA will require a recognizable profile head and shoulders photo of yourself or you as a couple, without which a membership card cannot be issued. The above information and profile picture is for the use of the committee and your membership card, and will not appear on any SANYA promotional material, website or other naturist related documentation or media unless you give consent in writing. You will be required to pay a R330 per person annual membership fee as soon as your application is approved after which your membership card will be sent to you.

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